Author: patricia_grace

  • Prayer Essentials 1

    Verses 1 King 8:27-30, 38-39 The instructions in The Essentials of Effective Prayer workbook for the next section were to read the 1 King verses, marking out references to Solomon, including the phrase “your servant”, as well as marking reference to “prayer”, including synonyms like “cry” or “spreading his hands”. Some insights from this passage…

  • Prayer Essentials

    As I was freshening the site, I came across an article from October 2018 where I noted an intention to write articles from a book about prayer that I had borrowed from my church library. Well, here it is almost six years later (!!!!) and I only had the one post. The book has long…

  • Heaven and the New Earth

    Book: Heaven by Randy Alcorn For the upcoming fall discipleship class, we have several books we’ll be reading (as usual) and the one we’ve been tasked to start reading before class is Heaven by Randy Alcorn. I read the first seven chapters so quickly and it was a joy. I am encouraged and am having…