Tag: new year’s resolutions

  • Bible Study and Reading plan

      Just finished a 25 Day plan of reading through the entire Bible! It was a great experience to get an overview of the Word of God and to see the powerful hand of God at work in His creation and to see the MANY examples of His mercy and patience with fallen man. The…

  • What I *Won’t* Do in the New Year

    It’s the time for New Year’s Resolutions, which usually includes something you want to DO in the New Year. For now, I’ve formulated a list of actions that I want to keep from doing instead. Chasing Sleep Although sleeping too much is definitely something that I want to avoid, that’s not exactly what I mean…

  • Good Intentions; Drive By Dinner

    Well, I started the New Year with some extra time to work on this blog, and had grand plans about my first postings.  Then, sickness happened. Thursday night I began to cough and get a scratchy throat. By the time I got home after work today, I couldn’t keep warm. We can make our plans,…