Author: patricia grace
God’s Good Intention for Women
Listen to popular culture long enough and you will hear, more than once, the idea that Christianity is bad for women. Either that or you’ll find someone professing Christ but denying Biblical Christianity because of unpopular verses (ex. 1 Tim 2:12) and distorting the commands of Christ. No matter what the world will tell you,…
What I *Won’t* Do in the New Year
It’s the time for New Year’s Resolutions, which usually includes something you want to DO in the New Year. For now, I’ve formulated a list of actions that I want to keep from doing instead. Chasing Sleep Although sleeping too much is definitely something that I want to avoid, that’s not exactly what I mean…
Do not fret
After all the temptation to fret, once again, the Lord provided for all our needs. In regards to my last post, my husband remembered another friend who used to attend our church who is an electrician. We found his office number and my husband had a nice conversation with the man. He is still attending…