Author: patricia grace

  • Trials and Testings

    The latest trial involves a needed home repair. A few days ago, I noticed a puddle in the yard near the septic tank. Oh no. A sinking feeling in my stomach began. My husband didn’t really know what to do. I don’t know about septic systems (or electricity or plumbing, etc) and I had expected…

  • Report broken links, typos, etc.

    Please make sure to contact me if you find any broken links, typos, grammatical errors, or any other issues that you feel should be corrected. I appreciate the corrections. Thank you!

  • Paul Washer on Prayer

    In my continuing study on prayer, I thought I’d share what I gleaned from a video that I happened upon. I found an excellent video on my YouTube feed with Paul Washer speaking about prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit of Christ. As best I can tell, he was speaking here at a…