Author: patricia grace
I borrowed a book from our church library titled “LORD Teach Me to Pray in 28 Days” by Kay Arthur. In an effort to get back into regular blog posting, I decided to post what I glean from reading through the book. Like many of Kay’s book, this one is designed for either personal or…
I’m thankful for…
In the rush and urgency of getting all my prayer requests before the throne of God, sometimes it’s helpful to stop, be still, and just be thankful. I’m thankful for: Rescue from the wrath of God (His just wrath due to my sin) Access to a heavenly Father by Christ the Lord The Holy Spirit…
“I’ll believe it when I see it”
I’m amazed to look back and remember the thoughtless, ignorant statements I used to heartily believe and repeat. I would proudly proclaim to be a thoughtful person, one who was not easily fooled, but I remember how I would hear statements about evolution and the age of the Earth and readily accept them as fact…