Author: patricia grace
Deception and False Teaching
~~Today’s reading is in Deuteronomy 13~~ What first struck me about this passage is that when it speaks of “a prophet or a dreamer of dreams…[that] gives you a sign or a wonder…” and who entices you to follow other gods, I was expecting to read that the sign or the wonder did not occur…
Daily posts
In an attempt to get into the habit of daily postings, I’ve decided to post the insights I’ve learned from time in God’s Word. As I read through the Scriptures, I plan to write out here, what God has taught me (or reminded me) from the study of His Word. I add that bit about…
Falling Away
Faith feeling wobbly? Concerned that your walk with Christ isn’t what it should be? Are you easily daunted, easily falling away from Christ when trials come? Wobbly, weak, falling away, easily daunted…all of these described me for years. If you struggle with the same issues, then please listen to these teachings from Living Waters/Way of…