Category: Musings and Amusing

Articles not categorized elsewhere

  • Irregularities

    I began this blog not long after becoming a Christian. As a new Christian, some of the earliest posts display my immaturity. (Maybe some recent ones, too!) A while back I deleted some of those posts as I was cringing upon rereading them. I started to do the same with my social media postings. Now,…

  • God’s Good Intention for Women

    Listen to popular culture long enough and you will hear, more than once, the idea that Christianity is bad for women. Either that or you’ll find someone professing Christ but denying Biblical Christianity because of unpopular verses (ex. 1 Tim 2:12) and distorting the commands of Christ. No matter what the world will tell you,…

  • Report broken links, typos, etc.

    Please make sure to contact me if you find any broken links, typos, grammatical errors, or any other issues that you feel should be corrected. I appreciate the corrections. Thank you!